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Curated Tools on Engagement, Participation, and Advocacy

Total: 13

Youth-led monitoring of the global goals


This is a practical guide for young people tracking the Global Goals.

Voices of Youth


Voices of Youth is UNICEF's digital community FOR YOUTH, BY YOUTH.



#Generation17, a new collaborative campaign with between UNDP and Samsung. This initiative aims at promoting youth as trusted partners in sustainable development and inclusive and effective multilateralism, in line with the United Nations #Youth2030 strategy.   

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Curated Tools on Informed and Healthy Foundations

Total: 19

Akilah and Carlos’s Big Day of Discovery!


Comic book for young adolescents on Accelerated Action for the Health of adolescents

The Opportunity for Digital Sexuality Education in East Asia and the Pacific


This review examines the opportunity for digital sexuality education in East Asia and the Pacific by considering in-person sexuality education in the region, the digital ecosystem and young people’s behaviour in these spaces, existing digital sexuality education platforms and the impact of these media, and potential child protection issues.

Voices of Youth: How to take care of yourself during stressful times


Here are some tips to take care of yourself, learn to navigate through tough times at home while you spend more time with family, and become problem solvers to overcome the challenges, big and small, that we all face in our lives.

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Curated Tools on Economic Empowerment
through Decent Work

Total: 19

Unpacking school to work transition: data and evidence synthesis


The paper clarifies the concepts around school-to-work transition; highlights trends in school-to-work transition of young people and the drivers that shape these trends; and uses the evidence to propose a holistic theory of change for consideration by UNICEF.

Generation Connect


Generation Connect aims to engage global youth and encourage their participation as equal partners alongside the leaders of today’s digital change, empowering young people with the skills and opportunities to advance their vision of a connected future.

IDEA Programme - Innovation, Development and Entrepreneurship for All


Innovation, Development and Entrepreneurship for All (IDEA) is a UNIDO programme designed to foster an entrepreneurial culture and facilitate integration into the formal economy through a modular and flexible approach. IDEA establishes better socio-economic conditions and the opportunity for people and beneficiaries to support the development of their own communities. The programme helps to encourage people to stay and / or return to their countries, which now offer new economic opportunities.

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Curated Tools on Youth and Human Rights

Total: 23

Youth Political Participation Programming Guide


NDI developed this resource to offer guidance on how to assist young women and men in becoming more politically organized and active.

Enhancing Youth Political Participation throughout the Electoral Cycle


This publication identifies key entry points for the inclusion of young people in political and electoral processes and compiles good practice examples of mechanisms for youth political empowerment around the globe, focusing on innovative instruments with the potential to provide fresh inputs for UNDP programmes as well as initiatives by other stakeholder.

Women and Young Persons with Disabilities: Guidelines for Providing Rights-Based and Gender-Responsive Services to Address Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)


Aims to provide practical and concrete guidelines for making GBV and SRHR services more inclusive of and accessible to women and young persons with disabilities and for targeting interventions to meet their disability-specific needs.

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Curated Tools on Peace and Resilience Building 

Total: 21

Frontlines: Young people at the forefront of preventing and responding to violent extremism


The report puts forward and synthesizes data from field case studies/focus group discussions, a mapping of youth-led actions in the five regions, a global literature review, and a global survey on Youth and countering and preventing violent extremism for practitioners, to better understand young people’s aspirations and perceptions and improve programming.

YPS UN Handbook


The handbook provides background information on the YPS agenda,
as well as operational guidance for its implementation.

Guidelines for Working with and for Young People in Humanitarian Settings


These guidelines address a gap in humanitarian tools that tend to overlook young people, a specific but broad demographic with interlinked needs across multiple sectors.

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